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Every year, Sheldon High School's Seniors are required to complete a Senior Project to promote community and individual growth. Biotech members are required to connect their project to the academy, whether it be performing a lab or helping the community learn more about science. Here are some examples of previous Biotech-related senior projects.










Connected Community Learning Research Project

The capstone course encourages students to use a multitude of biotech skills acquired during their four years to accomplish research of their interest. An industry member mentors the team of students throughout the year and the student presents their findings to the community, including the advisory board, during the BTA Open House in April.

Biotech Open House

An afternoon opened for the entire community, the Biotech Academy showcases what goes on inside our classrooms. Setting up lab demonstrations of gel electrophoresis, chromatography, microscopes, bacterial cultivation, strawberry DNA extraction, plus many more. Incoming Biotech Academy members or potential members can join us May 11th from 5:00-7:00 P.M to explore what Biotech is all about!

Crafting a Scientist

Many of our seniors go to local elementary schools to teach younger students over the course of a couple of weeks to months. The senior would help the students carry out hands-on experiments such as building DNA models out of marshmallows. 

Map Your Future

With the help of our Biotech officers, the event showcases what our Academy has to offer. With people coming from all over the district, our student officers teaches everyone who comes by how to use a micropipette, microscope, how to extract DNA from strawberries, and much more.

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