General Academy Requirements
General Academy Requirements:
(Must complete all requirements to earn Cord at graduation.)
1. 70 credits from academy courses
10 credits per course = 7 courses
4 core courses, 3 academy electives
2. “B” or better in all academy core classes​
3. 3.00 overall GPA, 2.5 session GPA
4. Community Service
20 hours freshman year, 20 hours sophomore year, 25 hours junior year and 25 hours senior year
Meet school requirement, turn in hours to data processor in main office.
5. 70% attendance at Biotech Club meetings yearly
monthly on first Tuesday of month, after school (must be prompt and stay for entire meeting)
informational/make-up meeting on first Wednesday of month, 8:45 am
6. Activities
Academy activities include participation in field trips, guest speakers, conferences, fund raisers, tutoring, blood drive, presentations, community outreach, etc.
minimum of 8 Activities per year(24+ for Scrubs/Letter and 32+ for Graduation Cord)
7. 95% school attendance rate yearly (including excused and unexcused tardies/absences)
Biotech Core Classes
Students take ALL four courses listed below. These A-G courses are sequential and should be taken in this order during the appropriate year.
Freshman: The Technology of Biology
Sophomore: The Science and Ethics of Biotechnology
Junior: Microbiology (SHS), including Bioinformatics (ARC)
Senior: Molecular Biotechnology (SHS) including Biotech and Society (ARC)

Biotech Elective Courses
Students must take three from the list below. These courses are usually taken (one each) during the sophomore, junior, and senior year.
Chemistry (sophomores, juniors, seniors)
AP Chemistry (sophomores, juniors, seniors)
Criminalistics (juniors, seniors)
Ecology (juniors, seniors)
Lab Technician (sophomores, juniors, seniors)
Physics (juniors, seniors)/AP Physics 1/2(juniors, seniors)
Physiology (juniors, seniors)
Biotech During Distance Learning